A Good Day to Fly

One of the great things about my job is that sometimes I get to travel by small plane. It is such a different perspective and despite my motion sickness I mostly enjoy it.

Today was a crystal-clear beautiful summer day and because of ferry difficulties we ended up flying to St. Stephen. I played tourist while enroute.


There was a spare headset for me today too but no where to plug it in so I could talk…at least that’s what they told me. 😉



This week’s photo challenge is “Between“. I usually read the challenges but rarely come up with something that “fits”. Yesterday though, I looked in the back yard to see where the tide was and I thought “Oh, it’s between”.  Bingo!



Several times a day, mostly subconsciously, I’ll look towards the water to see where the tide is. Twice a day, it goes from this:

High tide
High tide

to this:

Low tide
Low tide

I’d like to say I’m always appreciative of how amazing this phenomenon is.  Usually, it’s just something that’s “there”: up or down, or between.

It’s Summertime!

Today was (is) the longest day of the year. I took advantage of it falling on a weekend (Yay!) combined with good weather (a little wind, but sunny and warm) to finally put my plants in their containers. I have had them for a while and have never had the combination of free time/good weather to put them in their pots.  I’m hoping they will survive.

Container garden
Container garden

This is one of my favourite times of year. I love lupins and they seem particularly beautiful this year.  I was especially happy to see they are coming back in my lane. They didn’t survive the removal of the willow trees a couple of years ago. I actually planted some last year to help things along.  They seem to be coming on their own though!


Of course, the longest day of they year wouldn’t be complete without a little knitting.  I managed to finish another monkey.



Hope everyone enjoyed their Saturday!


Apparently I Make BBQ Sauce

I had this crazy idea last week that I should make BBQ sauce for my Father’s Day Barbecue on the weekend.  One: because I’d watched a bit too much of the Food Network; and two: because my oldest nephew has a corn allergy and BBQ sauce is one of those things that is sometimes challenging to find. (My brother and sister-in-law offered some from their stash; I chose not to believe it was because they were fearful of how my experiment would turnout.)

I pinned a couple of recipes that looked relatively easy (i.e., within my skill set) and able to be made corn free. The first was a basic barbecue sauce. The second was a maple whiskey barbecue sauce.

My whiskey and maple syrup look a bit alike.
My whiskey and maple syrup look a bit alike.


Friday night I mixed them up and let them simmer away:

Maple Whiskey and Basic Sauces


It was surprisingly easy except one of my pots was too short and the sauce simmered quite vigourously. Everyone ate them and like them. Both sauces are good for up to a month in the fridge. It’s nice knowing what is in them and that there’s not a lot of additives or preservatives. While I’m sure I’ll continue to use store bought BBQ sauce, I can see me making a batch every now or then.

My only other tip would be this: the final step in the maple whiskey sauce is to puree the sauce in a blender until smooth.  This would be the step I skipped because I was sure I cut the onions up fine enough. I didn’t. The dollar store squeeze bottle didn’t hold up to the squeezing pressure required to extricate the onion stoppage.  Enough said.


Celestial Navigation

Part of our Grade 10 Phys Ed curriculum was a segment on orienteering. We studied maps and learned to use compasses. Then we were set loose for the practical portion of the class – navigating through the woods following directions based on the skills we had learned. We scoffed at the parental permission slips with all the arrogance of 15 year olds. What did they think was going to happen – we’d get lost in the woods?!?

We got lost in the woods.

We all knew if we headed east, we’d end up on the main road. (All settlement on Grand Manan is on the eastern side of the island.) It took some of us a while to realize we’d overshot the destination. In the meantime, word spread of our misfortunate. Older classes skipped school for the afternoon to form search parties. We all straggled out eventually, some via swamps, or streams, or other unfortunate event. (Fortunately wildlife is limited to deer, rabbits, and raccoons.) 27 years later, it still makes me smile thinking about it.

Flash forward to today. I’m at a meeting in a city where I’m familiar with the shopping district, but really not much else. I look at the map, think “I can do this” and head off. For some reason, Mapquest directions never occurred to me. Perhaps I was channeling “Celestial Navigation“, one of my favourite episodes of the West Wing. Perhaps it was my snarky 15 year old sneaking through. For whatever the reason, I headed out without directions.

I had a lovely 45 minute tour of the University of Maine campus. It’s really quite beautiful. I know; I toured most of it. Could not find the building I was looking for. My speed increased as the meeting start time approached. I wished my car’s air conditioning had been repaired, because I was a ball of sweat. Finally, I saw a sign:

Not the sign I was looking for. But maybe it was a sign of another kind. Maybe channeling the spirit of these distant relatives, I could find my way. (Or maybe they were lost like me and this is where they just gave up and collapsed.). Going with option 1, I stop in the shadow of the sign, take a deep breath, and turn on data roaming. I find a map. I can’t find me on the map. I drive on, looking for some sort of landmark.

Finally it happens: I see something in real life and on the map. I pull a Joey, turn my phone so the map is facing the right direction, and step into the map. Only three turnarounds later, I park, spring out the door, and careen around the building. I slow down to attempt to project some semblance of professionalism. 2 whole minutes to spare.

And that little moment of data roaming:
