Walking the Line

The thing about puppies is that it sometimes takes a while til they learn their boundaries.  I’m fortunate that I live off the road and Charlie can wander the yard (somewhat) freely. My parents live close to the road so he has a rope on the clothes line which allows him to stay outside on his own.


Protecting the stairs. I'm not sure how he managed to tie the rope around himself.
Protecting the stairs. I’m not sure how he managed to tie the rope around himself.

Around the picnic table.
Around the picnic table.


He's pretty good at tangling himself in the hose.
He’s pretty good at tangling himself in the hose.


It’s a good idea in theory.  Charlie just needs some practice retracing his steps.


(I should note that these photos are taken within the first 5 minutes of him being put on the line.)

2 thoughts on “Walking the Line”

I'm wondering what you're thinking?