What Melania Trump Taught Me About Instagram

A month or so ago I read a post analyzing Melania Trump’s personality based on her Twitter photos. It’s a bit of a scary concept, people judging your motives and psyche based on the photos you post. It made me wonder what conclusions someone could draw from my Instagram photos. Like most people using Instagram, I curate what I post (blurry photos or those with 6 chins need not be shared) but what do the photos that I do post say? I’ve mostly just treated it as a visual online diary of what I’ve seen on any given day. After looking back through my photos I realized a couple of the Melania theories hit close to home and in the unlikely event that my posts are used to analyze MY personality, I’d like to offer a few comments and explanations:


The view from my window

There’s about 40 photos I’ve taken looking out 2 of my windows. While the angle changes slightly, they are mostly the same view of the same things:

What I’m worried it could be interpreted as: I never leave the house.

My explanation: While I can sometimes border on being a recluse who doesn’t want to leave my house, mostly it’s because it’s early or stormy and I don’t want to go outside in my pyjamas.


The view from above

I’ve posted over two dozen photos from the air of a variety of places:


What I’m worried it could be interpreted as: I see myself as above others

My explanation: I love the fact that I get to travel by air and the different perspective on the world it provides. I’m trying to share that excitement.


Through the glass

A Caesar is my favourite drink as you could tell from the dozen or so photos.

What I’m worried it could be interpreted as: I have a drinking problem.

My explanation: I love to try different variations on the drink. (I was slightly shocked by how many were taken at home and am going to have to rethink this one.)


On the plate

I’m guilty of taking photos of my food before eating. I could not even count the number of food photos.


What I’m worried it could be interpreted as: I’m a follower.

My explanation: I’m a follower.



My photos of myself are mostly of my feet.


What I’m worried it could be interpreted as: I have an obsession with feet.

My explanation: My selfies turn out like this:


It’s quite a yarn

At least 25% of my photos involve yarn or knitting, mostly of the sock variety.

What I’m worried it could be interpreted as: See the foot obsession concern above.

My explanation: I knit and take photos when I’m bored/have free time. Naturally they coincide.


Gone to the dogs

There are dozens and dozens of photos of my dog.


What I’m worried it could be interpreted as: I’m a crazy dog lady.

My explanation: He’s really cute … and I’m a crazy dog lady.


I’m wondering what your online photos say about you?


6 thoughts on “What Melania Trump Taught Me About Instagram”

  1. I, too, keep my photos as a running “journal” of events in my life… mostly of our beautiful island, my favorite people, and crazy cat lady pics. Getting better at Selfies; learning what angles/shadows are best at hiding double chins!!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. Well curated post. I hadn’t read about Melania but with her photos and yours, I’m sure that those who love you will interpret them positively and those who hate you (who hate her, I’m sure no one hates you) will interpret them uncharitably.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I love your post. So funny…and so true. Since my public account is devoted to knitting, it is mostly knitting pics, with a few food pics and occasional landscapes or street views or whatever strikes my fancy. But I am seldom on Instagram these days, I am sort of getting tired of seeing variations of the same things day after day… Mostly yarn, knits in progress, finished knits: ahem, exactly what I post. Duh ! Maybe I need to follow other people than knit addicts or yarn companies.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Great post!! And, I think we have similar interests (outside of dogs) so I think your feed says your an awesome person that I would really like in real life 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

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